Try this... go to the CRA website

Click here for CRA website

In the search box, type Family Caregiver Amount (that's what this new federal credit for family dependents is called for 2012)

Nothing relevant to making claims for additional amounts for infirm relatives effective for 2012 comes up.

This is the new additional $2,000 federal tax credit available for 2012 if you know how to document the infirmity of your dependents in five categories:

  1. Child
  2. Spouse
  3. Eligible dependent
  4. Caregiver
  5. Infirm dependent age 18 or older
Next, in the search box type in TD1 and pull up a fillable form.

Complete the form, and attempt to enter all of your dependent claim information on each of the five lines.

But... how do you document infirmity? What does it even mean?

That's why you might want to consider attending my next TaxDetective Boot-Camp for an hour on October 16. This could be worth $300 as a tax reduction to your federal taxes ($2,000 x 15% federal tax rate for credits) per dependent for 2012 x ??? dependents.

No time? listen in on the run as has a new APP for your mobile devices.

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