Today's caller..$1,125 tax refund. Is tax for disability ever complicated!

It's never just the DTC, it's the supplement for a child under 18 that must be clawed back by child care costs, it's the extra child care costs eligible because of the DTC, it's the DTC supplement to the fitness and now the arts credits for $500 if at least $100 is spent on that child. There's more, but you get the idea. And now, we have Bill C-462 which requires us to report if we charge someone for assisting them with claiming the DTC. Doesn't say anything about all these extra bits though. He already claimed the DTC, it's all the extra bits that weren't claimed.

Because he filed his personal returns manually for the past three years, he didn't add the bonus extra $500 children's fitness amount for a child with a disability who had a claim for at least $100 of fitness costs. He just claimed $500 per year for each child.

That equates to $75 per year for 2010, 2011 and $100 for 2012, BC added a children's fitness credit for 2012, so $500x 15% federal, plus 5% provincial for 2012, that's $100. More than enough to pay for using the online TurboTax program to file their returns next year.

Then, for last year, he forgot to claim the DTC supplementary amount for a child under 18, net of child care costs paid and claimed by his spouse. There is a significant refund for the DTC Supplement for a child under 18. $4402 x 20% is $875 for BC.

After we met online to review the changes he would have to make once he found all of his receipts for child care and children's fitness amounts for both children,  I had a moment of doubt, did they claim the infirm amount for the child with the disability, so I called back.

No, we had already discussed that, their child isn't infirm, but he does qualify for the DTC and the DTC supplement. I'm still not sure that the tax software companies understand this difference. I know that Profile doesn't do this calculation correctly for 2012.
If you want to know what the difference is between Infirm and Disability, there's more posts on this blog. Just search for infirmity in the search box at the top of the blog. The infirmity documentation is not the same as disability, which requires the T2201, it's a letter from the doctor and it's required for 2012 and forward for an extra $2,000 tax amount on five different types of dependent, including spouse, child, relative you claim the caregiver amount for, or the infirm amount, or eligible dependent (equivalent to spouse) See a TD1 for thresholds, limits and amounts.
If you have a child with a disability, whether they are under 18 or over 18, you really need to know the rules, or you could miss out on tax credits that would save you thousands every year.
I have several pages with useful links found under my TaxLinks Pro Portal, and of course now CRA has added Folios, but they haven't yet gone live with #4 personal credits.
Here's some useful pages
Personal Tax Credits
Youth in Transition
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