Tax Discussion Groups

For the past few years I've hosted a tax club for CGA's only.  It has been meeting on Monday, the fourth Monday of the month.
 Here's the topics and dates for the next few meetings:

  •  August 27:          Tax returns: T3's for Estates (by request)
  • September 11:     T1 season/mandatory e-File: T1s and T2s Jan 1 2013
  • October 9:            Meals / Employee benefits
  • November 13:      Vehicles
  • December 11:      Home office

Over the past year, I've had requests to start a club for non-CGA's and have had comments from some CGA's that maybe this club would not be as intimidating, so I posted a new invite, but so far, no one who requested the new club has signed up.

I'll need a minimum of 5 participants or I'm cancelling this offer.

Here's the topics and dates for the next few meetings ( you might want to join both clubs...)
  • August 27        Children / Child Care / Dependents over 18 / Family Caregiver Amounts
  • September 18  Seniors / Caregivers / Medical
  • October 16      Personal Tax Credits / new Family Caregiver Amount / Infirmity
  • November 20  Disability Application Form T2201
  • December 18  Medical Expenses - all 150 ? come with questions / examples

Cost is $30 per month for either meeting (see links above)

...There's a bonus, you also get the password to access TaxLinks and that's worth $30 on it's own.
The next meeting of these clubs is August 27th and I'll leave those dates as is.

So, if you want to attend the September meetings you could me at to let me know you are interested and which meeting you'd like a reminder about on August 28th

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