Here is a good article confirming that the DNSChanger virus (which you read about recently..see my previous blog post) and it will not be the end of the world:
and right at the end, you'll find advice about how to check your computer (I did this and it took less than 5 seconds)
'...So while we wait for an Internet Armageddon that will never come (at least not from DNSChanger), here’s something you can do (and have all your friends do, as well).
Go to the DNSChanger Working Group Detect site and click the link at the bottom for your language or country. (Because you’re reading this in English, you’ll most likely click through to the main DCWG test page.)
When you get to the DNS Changer Check-Up page, you’ll see a large graphic — if it’s green, you’re fine; if it’s red, you’re infected.
There are lots of DNSChanger-fixing programs out there. I’ve not run across any infected machines yet; but if I do, my first choice for cleaning them would be Windows Defender Offline, which I wrote about in my Jan. 5 Top Story.
Yep, this is one of the tests even your Aunt Martha needs to take."
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