Please don't try to change the name during the download process!

Almost every person that purchases my videos adds another story to what can go wrong while trying to download videos. Yesterday a customer decided to edit the name of the file before downloading it and of course, nothing happened. Once we figured that out, the videos loaded in about a minute or two at most. Remember there's 44 files in the bundle, so this will take you about an hour to SAVE AS and check the bundle.

There's a number of reasons I put a 60 day limit on availability of my products. I want to make sure you've loaded the product and opened it to ensure it's working. I don't want people thinking they can come back three years from now demanding copies because their computer crashed. I may be retired, my systems may no longer access this software or technology, or I might even be dead. I'm not a huge conglomerate with the ability to act from beyond.  Sorry, if I'm gone, I'm just that, gone.

Please make sure you not only open the files, but make sure you back them up. I don't have the capacity to be responsible for long term storage of products in order to replace the videos if you lose or destroy them. The next technology is probably already here, and like the 8 track cassette and the vinyl record before it, you may no longer have the device to play the DVD.

If you haven't burned a DVD yet, or had me burn you one and mail it to you, please do that! The bundle fits on ONE DVD if you buy the right kind of DVD. I use Verbatim DVD+R 4.7GB 16x 120 min. You can use Windows Explorer to Burn the files in the folders - it's easy

Please open the videos to check they burned to your DVD afterwards.

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