Q&A Today's Inventory Parts workshop - Nov 28 2012

Purchase the series, all three videos at 10% off the individual prices

Find out more at Bookkeeping for Inventory Parts (November 2012 IPBC webinar series)

Q: Are we going to be able to send questions after? It is going to take a bit of time for this to sink in.
A: Ask away.

Q: You are doing a great job. It is definitely not you, it's the topic:) I have found I have to record the change in inventory when I am posting entries to a T2125. I find that is how I can have the T2125 Income Statement match what is in QuickBooks.
A: My system of posting the Opening Balance and the Ending Balance and offsetting the difference to Purchases account works, as long as when you adjust Qty/Value of Items, you record the adjustment again on the Income Statement, before adjustment of COGS and after to arrive at COGS.

Q: Can you explain the posting of the ending balance to purchases in QuickBooks?
A: See above, and download the spreadsheet, it's in my >Links>Complimentary Links> Sample Data files along with the *QBB files to study

Q: Thank you, I think I finally got it!
A: I'm so glad, this isn't an easy concept, when the change in inventory isn't just one number on the Income Statement, part of it is buried in the increase in Inventory because purchases were added, but may or may not have all been sold, and inventory was adjusted for a variety of reasons we covered in the workshop today.

Q: Will this company file (including the transactions you input today) be available for download on your website?
A: Yes, again, go to >Links>Complimentary Products>Sample Data

Q: Are we able to get the PowerPoint? Is this webinar available in the member area?
A: No to both. The PowerPoint is just a few slides and those are my talking points/notes, not available for distribution. No, BUT, you can purchase the videos in my shopping cart under Master QuickBooks Software - See the Inventory Series, November 2012

Q: Great workshop series - thank you!
A: No thank you for being a great audience!

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Why Saturday's 3.5 hour workshop wasn't nearly long enough...

If you really intend to complete T2125's, I'd recommend first of all, that you've read the Income Tax Act.  You can find a free copy on the Justice Minister's web site, www.justice.gc.ca or at www.canlii.org or you can buy a copy with annotations and indexes to help you find stuff from either Carswell Thompson or CCH. An annotated copy costs about $125 and they update them several times per year.

Then I'd recommend you read the CCH Preparing Your Income Tax Returns latest edition every year to get what you can't get from the law, which is an interpretation. That book costs about $100

Then, I'd recommend you read the CRA website from cover to cover - start with the Site Map. That's free but very frustrating as the topics are sort of dealt with like you are cross dressing, you'll find bits of information all over the place without the connectivity to really figure it out without years of pouring over the IT Bulletins, the IT News and IC's. plus the Income Tax Act, but I already said that above.

And then, after all that, here's a 30 hour course you might appreciate...that delves into the fine points of the form completion offered by someone who does a great job of delving into detail.

Evelyn Jacks course on Proprietorships

and oh yes, then you still have to figure out how to make the tax software work, and check your work to make sure you didn't create one too many T2125's and enter everything twice, or even three times or the vehicles on one schedule that links to one T2125, and the home office on another, and the assets on a third, and the operations on a fourth...

Just kidding you think? I had to fix someone's return for several years back because of exactly this prior preparer error.

If you aren't at this level, and just want to learn how to prepare a basic tax return, there's always my Student WorkBook with videos and case studies to get you started. It's under the My Projects tab on my website.

Start now! Please don't wait until next April though, because even that takes a few hours to work your way thru.

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Why do record keeping the old fashioned way?

Can't you just add up the receipts, plunk the numbers on the form and call it good? Who needs to keep proper records? It doesn't really matter, and even though it is the law that you're supposed to keep records, not just keep receipts...

The topic, of accrual accounting for self-employed taxpayers surfaced over the weekend during my presentation on T2125 Self-employment for the Surrey Langley North Delta CGA Chapter. Someone said that if they had to do accrual accounting for their self-employed clients, they wouldn't be able to do as many returns as they do now and that client's wouldn't be willing to pay for the increased cost.

In the moment I let it go. I should have responded that they'd make more money with fewer clients. Let the clients who don't see your value go, and spend that time on the ones who do. So I thought I'd say it now and add some more thoughts that occured after the event.

Before tax season even hits, consider the following thoughts carefully and then increase your rates, announce your intention to provide first class service and watch what happens.

Here's the start of my great reasons to do accrual accounting list.

Accrual means recording sales on the date the sale is finalized, and recording the cash receipt, even if its on the same day, as a separate transaction, dated the date the funds are received, using Accounts Receivable to clear the transactions through a customer . The date they are deposited might again be a different date, that's why it's so handy to have an Undeposited Funds account automated in QuickBooks.

Accrual also means recording purchases on the date on the purchase document and recording the payment, even if it's on the same day, as a separate transaction, clearing the Accounts Payable using the Vendor name.

Now for the reasons why you'd want to do this for sales/payments received

  1. To ensure that the customer actually paid
  2. To ensure the payment was recorded against the right invoice
  3. To ensure that the sale was recorded on the right date for revenue recognition purposes
  4. To ensure the sale was recorded on the right date for GST/HST recognition purposes
  5. To ensure that all receipts have invoices - if all you have is a pile of invoices, and one goes missing, how will you know if you don't also record the deposits and cross -check that all invoices and all payments are recorded
  6. To provide a historical record of how long it took the customer to pay you, because maybe next time, you'll ask for a retainer up front if you know this customer is really slow at paying, or you'll turn them down if they never paid you at all.
Now that's just on the sales side. On the purchases/payments paid side...
  1. To ensure that you've recorded all the purchases, it's necessary to record the payments because that way, you can see if there's a purchase missing - it's called 'exception reporting' where you record all the payments that should have receipts, and then record the receipts, and if there's either a receipt with no payment, or a payment with no receipt, you've got an exception that needs investigating.
  2. To ensure that all payments were made because if you can't prove you paid something, you have to add it back in 2 years - S. 78 of the Income Tax Act - unpaid amounts
  3. To ensure you only pay something once, and not more than once (that's why all purchases should be recorded in AP and all payments should be recorded to clear AP, no matter how they are paid)
  4. To ensure you record all expenses, even if they are reimbursed, and that you invoice all reimbursements, adding appropriate GST/HST or PST now that it's coming back..
  5. To provide a historical record by vendor of what you purchased and when in a sub-ledger
  6. To provide proof of payment in order to claim an ITC on the purchase
There are lots more reasons, like tracking assets, personal use of vehicles, business use of home, year over year for comparative purposes, but I'm sure you get my drift.

The last reason is all encompassing - it's about success.

When your client's business grows because they have confidence, it very well could be that they can grow because their finances are under control, it's because you put the right controls in place from day one. Great habits, proven methods of control.

The best part, it will help your clients (and you) sleep at night, knowing the receivables are being collected, the payables aren't being paid twice, and the finances are under control.

So if you lack confidence, or you don't believe in yourself or in your clients, go ahead, add up receipts with a tape and tell yourself it's fine to not worry about your client's financial health and future well-being.

If you do believe your clients business's will grow and so will yours because their business
grows, start every client out on the right foot, by doing it properly from the beginning. Otherwise, when there's a question about the tax records, you'll have to do it over anyway because you'll never be able to figure it out from the tapes, which will have faded and may not even be legible any longer.

Doing it the old fashioned way, you'll have instant answers when your client calls to ask for a document, because you did it right the first time and filed it so it could be found, in alphabetical order. And if that doesn't make you look good, I don't know what will.

If you want to know more about how to keep really great records that will give you the confidence to succeed, check out my YouTube Channel for a 49 minute video.


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The CRA Website

Not only should CRA group together topics of a similar vein so that various taxpayer groups can compare and contrast the rules as set out in my post the other day...

Here's some other thoughts as I get ready to meet CRA this morning.
Use the structure of the Income Tax Act as the basis for setting up the structure of the CRA website.
It wasn't until I sat down after failing the IT 2 course and Ed Kroft told me that to pass the course, I'd better read the Act... that I really got what it was all about. It was the Table of Contents at the beginning that nailed it.  It was the Index at the end where all the concepts were linked to Sections that filled in the gaps. It was reading the actual words of the sections and getting that this piece of work was a giant algebraic formula in prose.

The secret is to go back to the structure of the Act and not to try to create your own structure. Then, it's necessary to reference the real thing as well. It's all well and good to have Interpretations by experts, but there is no substitute for reading the sections. Now that we have the Internet with 2 free sources of the ITA, www.justice.gc.ca and www.canlii.org who both keep it current, there's no excuse to not do so.

And, there's no reason on earth to require that every teacher in the country log into the education portion of the website with repeat use of their personal information in order to view the educational section. Whose dumb idea was that? And only having an out of date Ontario example? Come on.

We need current examples of all the forms, we need to see what a tax return should look like for an extended family, for a self-employed person, for someone with employment expenses, all those audit demand letters on employment expenses, rental expenses, self-employment that you're sending out, do you ever once consider that people have no clue how to complete the forms and that they are doing the best they can with a horrible amount of requirement for detail that they can't imagine will ever be looked at?  They need examples to follow.  Yes, its always possible that they might actually figure out that they haven't been claiming what they should have claimed, or will try to claim more, but maybe they'd actually get that their claims are ridiculous if they saw a sample.

And we need Box 85 on the T4 to be mandatory, it's no different than union dues.

Plus we need clarity about claiming medical expenses in so far as the wording of what qualified medical practitioners wording will be acceptable for most of the 150 medical expenses, and now for the Infirmity designation for the Family CareGiver Amount. How on earth are QPs supposed to know what to write that would be satisfactory? Are they supposed to be able to read the Income Tax Act in order to complete a letter that will satisfy CRA? That's just ridiculous and it needs to stop.  Someone's cruel childhood game translated into adulthood needs to stop.  I'm not going to tell you what to say, you have to guess is about how QPs are being treated.  Then, when they don't say what's necessary they are subjected to multi-page requests for details instead of being asked if they could write what is required. I find the whole thing tiring just contemplating the millions or billions wasted on this process and all for what? A political game of tax credits.

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T2125 workshop Nov 24 2012 followup

Yesterday, the Surrey Langley North Delta chapter of CGA hosted an event on T2125. The links for this presentation are passworded and the people who attended have the password. Thanks for the positive feedback on your forms!

I've added the YouTube link for the 49 minute video on my channel about internal controls on payables using QuickBooks software; and there's now link to download and SAVE AS the *QBB file and the Profile T1 2011 data file as shown in yesterday's workshop. I've also posted the Home Office page link.

If you're considering public practice, you must be registered as a CGA at some level of public practice (there are multiple levels). You definitely can't be a retired CGA if you plan to do anything more than data entry and checking the work. Why? Because as a retired CGA you don't need to keep current. It's that simple.

If you are self-employed or on contract, and prepare any tax returns or do any summarization or analysis leading to or completion of compliance work, even if you don't sign off on T1s, T2s, T3s, T3 Supp, T4s, T5s, T5018s, GST/HST, PST, WCB reporting, etc and charge for doing so, registration is required. You'd be much better off getting hired as an employee instead. If you volunteer, it's necessary to check in with CGA BC first as well. Contact the CGA BC office next week as that isn't my area of expertise.

What do I do? I am a social media maven it seems, much to my surprise, as I was just having fun exploring the medium when my friend Merge @mergespeaks shone a very bright light on what I was doing at a CGA conference on social media in Whistler several years ago now. I present workshops, live online, usually for IPBC, but also for private clients looking for online training. I do some live in person events, and consult and coach business owners, accountants and bookkeepers on mastering the use of software, specifically QuickBooks, Quicken, and Profile software. I love to research tax topics to write articles for publications and to share with fellow CGAs and other groups I participate in via LinkedIn and a CGA's Only tax study group. I have a short, exclusive tax client list, enough work to keep me and my clients happy. I love my life.

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Mandatory e-Filing effective January 2013

Link to CRA FAQ on Mandatory e-Filing

If you are a tax preparer, it's necessary to update your status for next year,

and if you've never registered before, better start early as it's a process that takes time!

Click here if you've never registered to e-File

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CGA BC Draws the line at data entry and checking the work

Anything more than data entry and checking that the numbers entered are correct and reconcile to the documentation or to third party information available is considered public practice and CGA's in BC must register and purchase insurance.

But can just the simple act of data entry be cause for concern? Do you have to care about what you enter? Or can you turn a blind eye? See the questions and answers below.

Q#1 If Mary Smith, CGA (a mythical character in earlier posts) calculates the GST/HST return, summarizes the payroll data entry to prepare the PD7A, or prepares a report to calculate the WCB premiums, will she be required to be registered in public practice and purchase insurance by the Code of Ethics for CGA BC?

Answer #1 YES, Mary will be required to register and obtain insurance. Services including summarizing, analysis, advice, counsel or interpretation are considered to be in the practice of public accounting by definition in the CGA BC Code, as is the preparation of tax returns or any other statutory filing.  Payroll, GST/HST and WCB are all statutory filings.

Q: Could Mary get around this by just preparing reports and have the owner sign them?

Answer #2 NO, she can't say she didn't do the work because that would not be telling the truth.

Click here for a link to the CGA BC website for information about public practice registration requirements

Q: For just entering data can CRA invoke 'Civil Penalties'?

Answer #3 YES and this applies to bookkeepers and accountants, and to business owners too! If you haven't ever made time to read why and how this penalty applies, I recommend clicking on this link:

CRA: Third-Party Civil Penalties

See #32 and #33 Clerical or Secretarial Services - these do not include bookkeeping services, such as recording business accounts or transactions and can lead to penalties
See #57 Exemption for Employees - which doesn't include employees of the tax return preparer..
See #72 Disclaimers don't absolve the preparer
See #65/66 Withdrawal where false or suspicious statements
See #67 False statements in prior years must be rectified to extent false statement affects return of current year
See 18 examples of false statements, culpable conduct, tantamount to intentional conduct, indifference and wilful, reckless or wanton disregard of the law

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How can CRA make it easier for small business to fulfill their tax obligations?

The topic of Monday's meeting with CRA (November 26th, 2012) at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle will be:

How can CRA address these priority themes to make it easier for SMB to fulfill their tax obligations?

  1. Information availability and clarity
  2. Reporting obligations - current process and possible changes and enhancements
  3. Usage of existing online services
  4. Exploration of potential online services
  5. Duplication of information requirements across federal departments and across different levels of government
Here's my concerns, just about #1: information availability and clarity:

1) Information availability and clarity could be improved significantly if information on  major topical themes wasn't scattered all over the CRA website in an attempt to accommodate specific readers, much to the confusion of anyone searching for information. There are times when searching for information that one ends up in the wrong section but it's the right heading, but for the wrong taxpayer, and this leads to all kinds of additional confusion.

The only saving grace is that when you find yourself reading about a topic, you can glance up at the top of the page to find the string of locations that have led you to this particular page.  I will find myself in Corporate or Payroll when I was looking for something under Self-Employed because of the overlap in rules and the mis-directions that can occur while utilizing the search engine in the software. There's no linkage to all the possible variations of which taxpayers might also have specific rules that would be similar, or different. 

The current website layout by taxpayer type isn't working very well at all.  Unless there is an attempt made to also have topical themes and cross link to those themes, people will end up at the wrong information.

The current search engine doesn't find commonly used tax words such as personal services business, or it finds totally irrelevant information in the hidden backgrounder financial and statistical analysis instead of finding useful information for a taxpayer on a topic.

For example, the deductability of meals is found under employees, salaried, commission, transportation employees, northern residents, travel, railway employees, moving, medical, conventions, truckers, self-employed, corporate, charities. I'm sure there's more. There's references to meals in various technical documents, but there's no compilation of where all the sources are in one place, and no reconciliation of when the rules apply, to whom they apply and why they don't apply in all cases. It's no wonder people get confused by the meals rules. And add to that, there's times when it's 100%, and times when it's $50 (conventions). I didn't add that there's meals that can be taxable employee benefits...and a policy shift in taxable benefits found in a newsletter in 2009...

I've attempted to compile all of that information to determine when the rules apply, to whom they apply, and why there is a difference between the various stakeholders and how their meals are treated for tax purposes.

Here is an example. This article was a question about taking a trip over to Nanaimo from Vancouver to visit a business location owned by someone with multiple locations, who called me when she bought a coffee at the airport on the way home to ask if she should keep the receipt.

There are other themes that have similar issues with conflicting information, to name a few key ones; artists and writers, employers and employees versus self-employed, payroll, joint ventures and partnerships, vehicles, capital cost allowance (this one is bizarre as the rules are scattered all over the place), current vs capital, inventory vs capital, repairs vs capital, shareholder loans, shareholder benefits, work in progress elections, client gifts, barter.  Then there's the whole topic of GST/HST and the impending switch back to PST. Another area that always concerns me is keeping records. Why is that CRA segregates out electronic records as a separate topic from keeping records when they should be combined? There are keeping records rules all over the place. 

Another hot button for me is personal services business.  It isn't searchable as a string of words, yet everyone is talking about all of the audits in this area, especially for professionals hired by gov't who are required to incorporate and then attacked because they didn't know these rules didn't allow their income to be active business income and now, they also aren't eligible to claim the CCPC general rate reduction.

You'd have to know to search for the definition of ABI (Active Business Income) under Corporations and even then it's really not identified as such.  Same goes for Specified Investment Business. People ought to know how to find the rules, using words that are commonly used in tax update classrooms around the country.  There isn't clarity about when you have a corporation and are it's sole shareholder, that you very likely aren't self-employed by your corporation and that you could be subject to these punitive rules.  

One more, not small business, but not small either.  Death and Taxes.  Why is it that it isn't until the end of the process, in fine print on the TX19, that the requirement to produce financial statements accounting for the entire estate from date of death until final disbursements to obtain a clearance certificate is found?

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Mary's 'on contract'

Mary just turned 58 this week. She earned her designation by working full time, and going to school at night over ten years. She paid her CGA annual dues in June. She's not registered in public practice nor does she have insurance because she doesn't think she's required to be registered if she just does bookkeeping so far. But she has three neighbours (see previous post) asking if she's take on their books and prepare their 'simple' tax returns.

Mary has been a self-employed ‘on contract’ keeping books for a local business very part time for almost nine months. The business owner, Fred Jones, is happy to have a CGA helping them with their books. Mary so far is refusing to help them produce financial statements. She's not allowed to prepare financial statements unless she's registered in practice and has purchased insurance. Under pressure from Fred, she helps the owner figure out their payroll, WCB and HST reporting but makes him file the reports. She started doing the books in April 1, 2012 and now it's November 24, 2012. Fred is pressuring her to help with the tax return for the business and can't figure out why she refuses. He can't figure out why he has to hire another CGA when he already has one working for him. It makes no sense to him.

Mary works about 2 hours five days a week and is charging the owner a flat $650/week. She hires Emily to do some of the tedious sorting and data entry at $20 per hour. Emily works 8 hours a week, Tuesday and Thursday. Emily is a part time college student. Mary doesn't charge the business owner for Emily.

Mary hasn’t registered for payroll or for HST but she knows that's necessary when her income in any four preceding quarters reaches $30,000, she'll need to register for HST.   
Mary purchased a desktop computer for $900 on March 15 and a second used desktop for $700 for her Emily on June 15.   She has been paying $50 per month for QuickBooks so as a QuickBooks ProAdvisor she gets 5 copies of the program.. She does her billing using QuickBooks and uses it for her client's books too.

Mary works from home.  Her mortgage has been refinanced and only 30% of the original mortgage is included in the mortgage principal of $100,000.  Her interest for the year at 5% is $5,000. Property taxes, as she’s not over 55, are not deferred.  She paid $3,500 for the 2012 year. Utilities, including hydro and gas and the municipal annual charges for garbage etc. are $3,200. She put a new roof on the house for  $10,000 in June. The annual municipal services bill in March is $900.

Mary's home phone which she uses for business and personal is $450 for the year.  She also pays $10 a month for a second phone number for her fax line and $80 a month for Internet and cable for the house. Mary just purchased an iPhone on a 3 year contract for $200. She uses it to keep tabs on her email and messages when she’s out at clients. It’s going to cost her $50 a month to operate but she hasn’t seen the first bill from TELUS yet.

Mary's car is 10 years old and she owns it outright. Insurance paid in August was $1,500. $560 for new snow tires in October, oil change in June, $135. Gas, $20 per week on Sunday. Her Km reading at April 1 was 58,000 km. Blue book value March 2012 was $5,000.  She has a calendar of her client visits and hasn’t prepared a km log, but she does have all their addresses on her invoices. Her desk is a makeshift 4x8 sheet of plywood over a couple of sawhorses from the back shed and a desk she found on the street during spring cleanup. She’s visited Staples once a month to purchase office supplies, paper, boxes, pens, ink for her printer, which is an old Laser Jet someone gave her.  Total purchases to date $1,600.  She has a filing cabinet that’s worth about $800 from her last job when the company went into receivership. She took the filing cabinet in lieu of a final paycheque. An annual maintenance contract in August for $79 provides a guarantee her printer will keep working and if it doesn’t she’ll only pay for parts, not labour.

In September, Mary joined the local Chamber of Commerce and pays $20 for monthly dues.  She is attending monthly dinner meetings which cost her a meal at ABC Restaurant including tip, $20 per meeting.  She’s picks up 2 Starbucks coffee whenever she visits each of her 4 client’s office once a week to share with the client while they review what needs to be done.   She provides pick-up and delivery services. Most clients are not willing to scan documents by email.  She paid for e-courier.ca for secure encrypted email in September at the CGA conference, $300.

Emily's office is in the third bedroom in her house with a small table for the computer. Emily is also using a dining room chair as well as a card table for additional work space. Emily is paid $20 per hour and has worked every week since June 15. Mary has a nosy neighbour who is annoyed that Mary wouldn't help her with her tax filing  She suspects that today’s calls from the Surrey business licence officer, Employment Standards, a Payroll Trust Compliance person at CRA and WorkSafeBC resulted because Emily parks in front of the neighbours sometimes when there's too many cars in front of Mary's when Fred shows up to meet with Mary at the same time as Emily is there.

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Mary's Story

This seminar is for every CGA member or student who has friends, relatives or neighbors, and of course, everyone is self-employed and looking for help with their record keeping and taxes. Who hasn’t been asked to help with record keeping to prepare personal tax schedule T2125 for individuals or partnerships with self-employed or professional earnings?
We will examine the case of Mary Smith, CGA, formerly chief budget officer for her municipality. Mary has been approached by several neighbors who are self-employed. They have asked her if she will do their bookkeeping and ‘simple’ tax returns.
Mary is excited. This is a perfect way to supplement to her pension income. Mary was worried she wouldn’t be able to afford to keep her house now that she’s on a fixed income, even though she did receive a generous early retirement package.

What could possibly go wrong?

Mary decides to start with three files in her first month, just to get her feet wet. How hard can this be?

Neighbour #1 - Sally is a "Business Coach". She has a home office set up in a corner of her basement by the back door. That's where she meets clients, when she's not meeting them at the local coffee shop. Her business seems to be part time, weekends, nights, when she finds the odd client. She's always looking for exchanges, to barter for services in return for her coaching. Her house is looking really smart, a new paint job, new roof and gutters, new doors and windows, driveway, gardening design. She seems to be good at getting what she wants from her clients. Last year she did her own tax return, estimating her sales at $10,000 and filling in the expenses blanks on the T2125, but she can't find any of her documentation for how she arrived at those numbers. She wants to do a better job and is a little worried about the letter she just received from CRA informing her she's going to be audited soon.

Mary discovers that Sally has investment accounts, with several brokers, and she's given them carte blanche to trade on her behalf. From what she can see, one of the accounts has been completely drained by excessive trading. The other, she's not sure is still active. Sally says it's none of Mary's business, and that she is only asking her to help with the business, not with her personal finances.

Mary also discovers that Sally's mother, who lives with her, has a notice of re-assessment for not claiming all of her RIF income on the last three years' tax returns. There's this 20% of income not reported penalty that Sally wants Mary to get rid of.

How do her records look?
Sally's records aren't very complete. When Mary attempts to sort out sales, purchases, deposits, payments, banking records, nothing adds up and there are gaps. Invoices appear to be statements of account; deposits don't equal paperwork. Deposit slips don't agree with what was deposited to the bank on those dates, and Sally only has some of her banking records. She can't find all her monthly statements for her accounts.

Neighbour #2 - Bob & Sue have a gardening design business. They create beautiful gardens, pathways, waterfalls. Their home office is beautiful. They seem to work full time, every day, and even on weekends their rig and trailer are out on jobs. Mary sees Bob out working when she's walking on Sunday's with her walk group.

It seems their clients are mostly homeowners. Mary discovers it's largely a cash business as everyone wants a cash deal because they don't want to pay HST. Bob tells Sue to pay the HST out of the total sale. Sue wants to keep the records using QuickBooks.  She gets Mary to help her set up a data file and enters purchases, sales and deposits to clear receivables, and payments to clear purchases, but Sue is resisting recording all of their banking information in the books, so the bank is just a clearing account for what are supposed to be business transactions. There's no way to reconcile to the money.

How do their records look?
Records were being kept manually, but have now been put into QuickBooks. Only sales and expenses, no reconciliation to the bank. Mary discovers no matches are made between customer sales and cost of sales. She can't understand why Sue isn't willing to put jobs on to the purchase documents, even though the supply companies have the delivery address on the purchase documents. She's sure it would help them to determine which jobs are profitable and which aren't so they could manage their business to make more.

Then Mary discovers why. Bob & Sue are not recording all revenue.  She looks for the address of the job that Bob did on a Sunday. The cost is there, but there's no invoice to that customer on the records. Mary confronts Bob and Sue and Bob blurts out that they don't record Sunday jobs. In fact, they don't record Friday, Saturday or Sunday jobs, at least the revenue, because then they'd have to pay too much tax.

Neighbour #3 Fred & Jane own shares in their construction repair corporation. The corporation does house repairs, they have been in the community for 35 years, and know everyone. Mary quickly figures out the Corporation hasn't filed tax returns since incorporation, six years ago. What's troubling Mary is that the vehicles they own, all five of them, are all owned by the corporation, even the ones that the kids and Jane drive. Mary's sure that those vehicles are never used for work.

Fred handles preparing the family T1's including a Schedule T2125 for self-employed income, one number for income only, no expenses, based on how much he thinks he was paid last year and how much he paid Jane by way of a cheque each month for $2,000 to cover house expenses. He pays tax based on that amount. The reason they are coming to see Mary is that Jane opened Fred's mail and found a demand to pay a 1% per month penalty on RSP overcontributions because Fred, over a year ago, put $30,000 of extra cash into an RSP when he didn't have that much limit.

They have an office in a local strip mall. Fred works the business full time, Jane is a nurse, and really doesn't get involved but Fred says she works for him, and Jane says she doesn't.  Fred puts $30,000 on each of their T2125's and Jane rolls her eyes when he says he does that.  Jane insists she has nothing to do with it.

It's mostly a cash business, sometimes deposits are cash, directly into personal accounts, or they use cash to pay the Visa. Everyone in the family, Jane, their three kids all seem to pay for everything with cash. Lots of toys, sporting events, major shopping at Costco every week. House is nicely renovated, thinking about selling and renovating again.

Fred hires other local repair people. He pays everyone cash and they could be immigrants, but Fred makes no attempt to document working visa/SIN # or business licence, some time sheets, no invoices for cash payments. He says that's not his business to ask, he's just helping them feed their families. Fred's company isn't registered for Payroll, WCB either.

How do the records look?
Fred says Jane does the books (not really) all she does is sort out the paper he brings home into piles and has started a Simply Accounting file, but after the first month, when the bank didn't balance, she quit using it. She does produce invoices for Fred, on occasion, and they look really nice, as she's using Word. She sometimes prints a copy for Fred, but says it's too expensive to print an extra copy, and laughs saying they are a paperless office. Jane's ability to grasp how Windows Folders work, and where to save her work is not happening. Fred keeps business purchases and vehicle expenses in a binder by the day in plastic sleeves, stapled together in the middle of the pile. Deposits are handwritten in tiny print, often don't add to what the bank says was deposited, and none of the deposits agree with the copies of invoices that Mary does find, names, amounts, dates, nothing is matching.

Today, Jane says she's leaving Fred and wants Mary to get the books fixed up so she can sue him for child support and spousal support.  She wants to keep the house and kick Fred out. She's tired of the way things are, and worried about the questions Mary is asking. She wants to know if she could be implicated in what Fred's doing and how to protect herself. She says that Fred's friend who is an accountant that he golfs with prepared their tax returns, and Fred just puts the last page in front of her and says sign here, and I'll pay what you owe.  Except that this year, Fred didn't pay it, and he keeps saying he will and he hasn't.  She says she owes CRA about $10,000 for last year and she's not doing much nursing any more, as she'd like to retire.

Over the next week, click here to learn what Mary learns as she struggles to support her neighbours.

Will Mary be able to help? Where can Mary turn for help?

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Merging Items

You mentioned at one point that if you changed status of an item. It would prompt you to change all which would have changed the previous fin. statements.

In order to change current year only, you would need to go back to each entry to change it.

Would it work if you made a change from January 1, and when the prompt came up to change all future entries, it would only affect the current year?

At today, there is the past and there is future, and when you merge your concern about the past is all of the past, and for the future, for all of the future.  The day when the past ends and the future starts is today, the day you are making the merge.  Anything already entered will be affected by your choices.
At today, when you merge an Item, it’s going to prompt you about the past, and you have to make a choice, and about the future, and again, you have to make a choice.

Load the sample file, or set up two Inventory Parts and enter a few transactions and try merging them to see what happens.  Add another Item, make some more entries, and try a different merge option.

Once you get how Merging works, it works the same way for Customers, Accounts and Items.
It's more dangerous for Items, as Weighted Average Cost can be affected with strange consequences that can't be undone without a real struggle.  The same goes for Customers and Accounts, but they don't have the weighted averaging to worry about.

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You decide...

Was it worth it? Did you learn something about Inventory Parts set up? Or do you have staff that need training on Inventory Parts?

If so, you can own the first video in the three part series today for $49.95 today!

IPBC members get 50% off

Access the discount via www.ipbc.ca and sign up for my Forum...to find the link to my Partner page.

...Or wait until all three weeks on Inventory Parts are recorded and purchase all three at a 10% discount.

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Q&A Part 1 of 3 part series on Inventory Parts Nov 14 2012 11:30 am 1 hour

Q: Is the Inventory Centre new for 2013?
A: Yes I believe so.

Q: Is the Inventory Centre available in Pro or only Premier?
A: Only Premier, Pro has inventory, but not full capability, for example it doesn't have Units of Measure.

Q:Why did you enter COST when entering a New Item?
A:Because today's current cost is what I want to base my Sale Price on. Weighted Average Cost and COST are not the same thing.  The first is the average of all historical costs net of any reductions in that WAC each time there's a sale.

Q:Would you use Groups in Inventory?
A: Sorry, didn't get to Groups, but there is a sample group in the data file. I will do a Group sale next week. Remind me if I forget. It's really simple, all it does it allow you to invoice for a bunch of stuff together as a set while still continuing to have individual items.  Usually you would use a group to put together a group of items for a special sale, and then you would dismantle them after the sale, for example, a Christmas or Easter basket.

Q:How would you enter inter-store transfers?
A:Because we have the store set up as the top Item level, we would transfer out of one sub-item and into the same sub-item under the other top Item level for the other location. We could use the Adjust QTY/Value window or a Bill as in a Nil Bill.

Q:Discussion about COGS sub-items request
A:We will cover the COGS breakout for GAAP in the final session under reporting

Q:How can you receive Units of 10 and then sell 1 Unit?
A:Set up Units of Measure and try it. See the sample file for inches and feet

Q:What if you purchased your inventory at a discounted rate but wanted to sell it for regular cost? Can you over-ride the calculation for the selling price?
A: First of all, you can put anything you like in the COST window in the Item - and you can update that COST box in the Add/Edit Multiple Units as it doesn't affect accounting, it purely affects the calculation of the markup for your pricing moving forward.  You can also adjust your preference for how much your markup is going forward and you can also edit your marked up prices any time you want

Q:My website is www.taxdetective.ca

Q:Will changing the default markup preference retroactively change prices or only for new items?
A: Try it, I think you'll find it will only change new Items, you'll have to use the Add/Edit Multi-Item window to edit your prices if you change your prices

Q:Are you providing the data file to play with?
A; Yes, its found under >Links>Complimentary Products>Sample data files

Q:Why would labour be included in the inventory entry for assembly?
A: If you wanted to do Cost Accounting, this is how you'd do it. You don't have to if you don't want to track your full costs, but this does allow for that.

Q: Is it possible to get a printout of your PowerPoint slides?
A: No it isn't. Sorry, I don't release those, my work product is not for release or for sale.

If you wish to discuss your particular situation or challenge with inventory, it's possible to hire me for an online private session on your particular situation. If you want to discuss the specifics of your business, that would require a privacy release by the business owner in addition to the standard engagement letter.

The video will be posted up for sale in a few minutes in my online shopping cart. You'll own the video and can watch the recording as many times as you like, at least until the technology changes and it's no longer possible to play the video or the software is upgraded as is usually the case every year.

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Please don't try to change the name during the download process!

Almost every person that purchases my videos adds another story to what can go wrong while trying to download videos. Yesterday a customer decided to edit the name of the file before downloading it and of course, nothing happened. Once we figured that out, the videos loaded in about a minute or two at most. Remember there's 44 files in the bundle, so this will take you about an hour to SAVE AS and check the bundle.

There's a number of reasons I put a 60 day limit on availability of my products. I want to make sure you've loaded the product and opened it to ensure it's working. I don't want people thinking they can come back three years from now demanding copies because their computer crashed. I may be retired, my systems may no longer access this software or technology, or I might even be dead. I'm not a huge conglomerate with the ability to act from beyond.  Sorry, if I'm gone, I'm just that, gone.

Please make sure you not only open the files, but make sure you back them up. I don't have the capacity to be responsible for long term storage of products in order to replace the videos if you lose or destroy them. The next technology is probably already here, and like the 8 track cassette and the vinyl record before it, you may no longer have the device to play the DVD.

If you haven't burned a DVD yet, or had me burn you one and mail it to you, please do that! The bundle fits on ONE DVD if you buy the right kind of DVD. I use Verbatim DVD+R 4.7GB 16x 120 min. You can use Windows Explorer to Burn the files in the folders - it's easy

Please open the videos to check they burned to your DVD afterwards.

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Q&A Have you purchased the bundle and haven't loaded it yet?

I just received a query and thought I'd post the answers because if one person is asking, more probably should be and aren't.

I put my product line on sale and sold a bundle of 44 products. The bundle was priced at $250 and 50% off for IPBC members: $125.00.

If you purchased that bundle, you've received learning products worth $950 retail for under $6.00 per video or other product. That was an awesome deal. I spent the past two years developing my learning products. They are content rich and if you're looking for how to learn to use QuickBooks properly with good internal controls, you're at the right place. It's not just how, it's why and when...

A customer emailed me this weekend to let me know that they watched my 10 videos from March 2011 and passed the Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor exam (the new one) because of what they learned from my videos... how great is that? I'm impressed, they actually got a slightly higher score than I did last week. In fact I am totally impressed!

If you missed the sale, the bundle price now sells for $290 for everything I created up to October 31, 2012.  That's $6.59 per unit of product. Still an awesome deal. The bundle is delivered to you via download using a service called www.e-junkie.com and I store the products in www.dropbox.com so I am not guaranteeing that this bundle will continue to exist in it's present form for more than 60 days.  I've offered to burn a DVD for $20.

If you haven't loaded your bundle, it's time you did that, or spend the $20 to purchase the DVD.

Buyer Beware:

You have 30 days to Download your products. Products are only available for 60 days from date of purchase. After that time, I do not promise products will continue to be available for replacement should you lose your products or not download them in a timely fashion. Please protect your purchases by backing up your products, or burn a DVD using Windows Explorer or other means.

I can't possibly be responsible for providing you with the videos over and over if your computer crashes, and if your system can't handle the size of the videos you store, I'm not willing to take responsibility, and that's why I promise to re-deliver, but only for 60 days from the date of your purchase. Please don't email me a year from now to complain you can't play something or you can't find the products on your new machine. There's likely nothing I will be able to do about it.


Here are my instructions about how to load the products:

Use Internet Explorer 9, as FireFox and Chrome don't work the same way and haven't worked for some people.

SAVE AS to a folder on your desktop or in your library (there's a Video folder in the Library, so create a folder in the Video Library if that works for you). Not everything is a video, there are Excel spreadsheets and other types of files.

Open each video to make sure it plays in Windows Media Player or an alternative player of your choice.

If you don't have IE 9 or WMP it may be necessary to convert the videos, and it may be that there are free conversion tools out there like FLV but I won't be responsible for conversion, as that isn't my expertise.

Feel free to burn your own DVD once you've copied the .wmv files to your computer.

Please respect copyright, of course, its the same as purchasing software, you can burn a copy but you can't distribute it to other people, you can keep a copy for your own use and to ensure you have a copy when you want to watch it.

It's only possible to play these videos or access the other data files as long as the technology exists that allows for that to happen.  I make no warranties about future technology working with this medium of delivery. Nor do I warranty that software will continue to work the way it did when I recorded these videos.

Yes, these products will take up space because they reside on your hard drive.

These aren't streaming video delivered via the web.  If you don't back them up, you'll lose them, and I may or may not have the video available to replace your product.

It's like going to the video store and purchasing a CD to play a movie.

For about $6.60 each.../ half that if you're a member of IPBC....

Your current CD player is compatible with the movie, you watch it, and if you bought it, as long as you continue to own the technology that plays that medium, you're fine. When that technology is replaced, you can't go back to the movie store to demand they replace your CD with the latest technology.  If only that were possible, someone would get very rich and everyone with an 8 track cassette would be demanding an upgrade.

Yes, at some point you won't be able to play these videos any more,

Please take advantge now,  watch and learn, ask questions, email me, post questions on this blog and if you're an IPBC member, talk to me on my Forum.

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Inventory Week #1 re-do

This Wednesday's workshop will start with the basics, and a story. The story will be about a retail store, which stocks toys and trains. We'll look at how to set up the Items, how to assemble some of the Items into a Train Set just in time for the Christmas toy sale season.

We'll also look at how to Group Items to record a quick sale of a group of products, but you'll be able to sell the individual Items at the same time.

In next week's session, we'll buy more inventory, and I'll also show you how to record the sales from the cash register till tape if you don't want to record individual sales during the day.

The final session on November 28th will be about reconciliation and reporting for the toy store.

The reason we're starting over is that I tried a top down approach, looking at the big picture, examining all the different types of inventory that there are, and showed you how each would need to be accounted for separately.

If you'd not had any experience with inventory, this would probably have blown you away, and if it did, I apologize. If on the other hand, it gave you an appreciation of the breadth and scope of how much there is to inventory accounting, that's a good thing. Knowing there are various types of inventory and that it's necessary to record the income transactions separately for each type of Inventory asset is a good step in the right direction.  Attempting to reconcile purchases when you've used both Inventory Parts and Non Inventory Parts and mixed it all up together is going to cause your year end accountant no end of headaches.

Not only do retailers account for inventory, so do manufacturers.  They bring in raw materials, add labour, other materials, and create products, which sometimes are partially finished, what we call work in progress and then finally as 'finished goods'. We won't be looking at manufacturing, but we will look at assembly with some labour and packaging, just to give you an idea of how QuickBooks could handle such transactions.

Hope you weren't scared off by the complexity and that you'll come back to start at the beginning again.

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Bookkeeping for Inventory Q&A Nov 7 2012

Q&A for today's webinar
Q: Does property include stocks/shares
A: Property can include stocks/shares/investment portfolios though I prefer to use Quicken which will be the topic of four sessions in January 2013. Yes, you can use QuickBooks Inventory Parts to track average cost of shares. Esther Friedberg Karp interviewed me for an article on that topic. I'll attach the article.
Q: Other types of inventory - would that include holding corps that own land and building rented to operating corps?
A: Yes
Q: What would cause a decline in value?
A: Anything that drops the market price below the cost. Normally we record inventory at the lower of cost or market, though with the new accounting methods, it may be that sometimes inventory is marked up, you'd have to ask an accountant who specializes in that field to see if that was ever a possibility. For example, portfolio investments may be marked up by what we call 'mark to market' to record the investment at fair market value when it's above cost, and the difference, net of unrealized tax liability would be recorded under what is called 'Comprehensive Income'. I'd have to look up in the CICA Handbook to check if comprehensive income which is the unrealized gain/loss net of tax on the increase or decrease in the portfolio, would be included in the income statement, or whether it's an after income statement adjustment to retained earnings.
Q: How can we generate the COGS report in QuickBooks?
A: Filter the income statement to include only the COGS accounts
Q: Another example of something that might be marked up would be jewels where a jeweller invests in stones
A: Yes, again, it would be necessary to determine if that type of asset would be marked up to market.
Q: Are you doing all these entries through invoices or journal entries?
A: The sales are via Invoice, purchases via Bill, and adjustments to record the Open Bal, Ending Bal and adjustment to purchases are recorded on journal entries. Notice that the journal entries are recorded completely within the COGS accounts, there's no effect to the Inventory Accounts. The entry is to increase Open Bal, Decrease End Bal, and adjust Purchases for the difference. The Decline in Value after what is available adjusts the amount available.
Q: Why didn't you use Class instead of sub-accounts for separate locations on the Balance Sheet?
A: I could have used Class now that the Balance Sheet can be reported by Class, though I probably still would have used sub-accounts as those are easier to keep separate
Q: You can only set up Inventory Assembly in Premier. If my client doesn't have Premier, we have to settle for Inventory Parts.
A: Yes, you could manually assemble by removing from the individual parts and re-allocating the costs using the Bill as a mechanism to effect that. I can show you that next week, remind me as I actually use that technique for other reasons, but it will work for assembly as well.
Q: Would you create a separate account for each Item?
A: Absolutely not, you want very few accounts, many Items. When we get to the Item reporting you'll see why.
Q: Will we have access to this webinar later on to go through it again?
A: If you are a member, it's free to attend, but necessary to purchase if you want to own the recording. If you wait until the end of week 3 there's a 10% off on all three, or I suppose if someone wanted to purchase all three now, I could ship the first one now and the other two as they were created. I'll set up the sales buttons on my shopping cart later today.
Q: Was it just for comparison that you are reporting both periodic and perpetual inventory or is this part of the new GAAP for reporting?
A: I am splitting apart the various types of inventory to show how each will reconcile back to the change on the balance sheet for that type of Asset. In other words, each asset has an opening balance, there are purchases, less the ending balance to arrive at the COGS expense. If you keep them separate, both on the income statement and the balance sheet, it makes it easier to do your year end reporting.
Q: Is it your recommendation that we setup a separate chart of account for Perpetual (Inventory Parts) and Periodic (non Inventory Parts) ?
A: Yes, I would do that in order to keep it all in balance. In fact, if you have all of the types, I would have income and asset accounts for each type
Q: Can we design similar income statement for monthly COGS?
A: Absolutely just change the columns total by to monthly from annual and same for the balance sheet section
Q: Why do you have to check mark "part of an assembly" to get the chance to name expense and revenue accounts?
A: If you don't, everything you post will post to revenue because that's the only box that's open. If you open by check marking, every single Item can be used to both buy and sell and will point at the right side of the equation, in other words, your revenues will point at the Income accounts, and your COGS or expenses will point at the right expense type of account. IN the third session I'll show you how to ensure that your Items are pointing at the right accounts, so you aren't understating either of revenue or expenses as that is really embarrassing!
Comment: I'm looking forward to the next two sessions as well. Hopefully we have pre-jinxed them, and no more C=224 error messages or brain meltdowns where I put in the wrong number! Thanks so much to those of you who helped point me to the error quickly! We all need more than two eyes in this business.

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Tax audits keep people awake - would that be your employees?

In 2010, CRA began an annual letter campaign about rental, business and employment expenses

If your employees have been receiving these letters, and don't understand how the Canadian tax system works, it's going to cause frustration, fear, anger, stress... I'm sure you're getting the picture. And of course, they aren't going to say anything. They just won't be sleeping. And how much is that going to cost you in lost productivity and potentially safety? We all know that not enough sleep makes people not safe.

Not only does CRA conduct letter campaigns, they audit, by letter using what they call a 'desk audit' system, requiring taxpayers to submit the paperwork for specific line items on their tax returns.

I can help reduce the stress...but it's invisible, it may or may not even exist. How can I possibly help?

If your company has the will to make it happen, and a boardroom/meeting room plus an Internet connection with some sort of a sound system/projector, that's all we need.

Truth be told, the employees could be anywhere, all we need is for everyone to either sign in on their desktop to listen and ask questions either by speaking or chatting by typing, or it's possible to load a free GoToMeeting.com APP to an iPhone, iPAD or Android mobile device. The APP just got a significant upgrade this week.

Consider lunch and learn's like these for your employees (and yourself...)

How taxes work, an overview of income, expenses, tax credits including the new for 2012, Family Caregiver Amount. This new amount will provide a tax reduction of $300 per dependent, infirm family member supported by your employee. Spouse, child, parent, grandparent, any relative who lives with them and meets the criteria, and sometimes even ones who don't live with them that they support.

How disability claims work, an overview of the application form, the application process, and what it means financially to have an approved claim status, including as much as $90,000 in grants and bonds if they qualify to open an RDSP.

How medical expenses, child care, attendant care, disability supports works. There are over 150 medical expenses listed in RC4064, but there's no indication of the type of documentation required or enough about what it all means to make sense of all this information. Take an hour to review how to make a claim, what the limits and thresholds are, and what Box 85 could mean to your employees if you completed their T4 to include the premiums on their Extended Health and Dental Plan that you deduct from their pay cheque.

How employee expenses work. If your employees aren't even requesting a T2200 and you're requiring them to pay for their own home office costs without reimbursement, or they use their vehicles and you don't reimburse them as much as what CRA says you could, we should be talking.  We should be talking, not just to your employees, but to your team, in HR, Payroll and to the Controller. By caring enough to document the relationship with your employee for CRA by completing the T2200, your employees may be able to make claims on a T777 that will reduce the tax they pay. It's a raise in pay through the back door. But there are qualifiers. CRA sends out letters every year (see the link at the top of this post) requiring documentation. It's not enough to just make a claim, it must be documented properly to avoid even more stress after the fact.

Employee education is an awesome way to add value and to encourage employee retention without a huge cost. Online live webinars allow participants to engage with the presenter.

Review your employee list, look for who on that list is supporting dependent relatives, by paying for shelter, food, clothing, basic essentials, or childcare, attendant care, or expensive medical treatments. That's expensive. What if you could help by providing information they could turn into paying less tax, overall, and during the year, maybe even right now, if you were completing a T2200 and they knew how to document and complete a TD1, T2201, T1213, T929, T777 or T778...or claim their medical expenses (that's why you need me)

Next, it's necessary to review employment contracts and complete a draft T2200 to see how you would answer the questions. Would your employees be happy to make a claim for the extra costs you don't already cover? For example, if you provide an allowance that's included in their income, they should be able to claim their vehicle costs, but if they don't know how, they likely aren't making the claim. Same for home office.

Then call me for a quote. What better way to reduce invisible employee stress than with useful information they can document now, while it's happening, during the year to review with their accountant/tax preparer next spring? Show you care and they'll care about your business. And they'll be sleeping.  Tax audits keep people awake at night.

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I can't remember who had a MAC and was having trouble viewing the videos

Technical tips:
Create a folder. Click to download. Please use Internet Explorer 9. Choose SAVE AS, do not attempt to OPEN these products directly from the download message.

Your VMV videos should play on a Mac provided that an appropriate player has been installed. The default QuickTime player does not play WMV files.

VLC media player for Mac OS X does: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html

To convert your video to FLV, there are many converters out there and I've heard that www.any-video-converter.com may work but no guarantees.

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Just checking, have you downloaded all of the products yet?

In case you didnt' notice, the links expire in 30 days.
Some people stopped after a 12, 24, 48, 52,
There's more to go, over 60 products...and the link expires in 30 days.
If you'd rather have the DVD mailed to you instead of downloading, there's an add to cart button on this page and for $20, I'll burn a DVD with everything and ship it to you, organized by folder:
Click on the link below for detailed list of all the products organized by groups.
This might help you organize by folder in case you haven’t done that yet:

BTW the sale is still on until November 3, in case you know someone who hasn't bought the bundle yet...
Forward this link/message to them!

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You have until the clocks roll back.. at 2 am Pacific Time

The price for a bundle will be going up when the special deal ends tonight.

Just deciding how much .

And.. there's still a few spots left for the 90 minute live online webinar on Nov 9th about report writing

... but you have to purchase the bundle before tonight to qualify to attend.

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There should be 44 Items in your bundle...

Click below to check the list


and maybe you'll want to organize your products by folder

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Bundle sale ends November 3, 2012

Yes, there is free QuickBooks training being offered to ProAdvisors, but if you aren’t a ProAdvisor and don’t want to be one, or the timing doesn’t suit, or you want to watch the training more than once because sometimes it takes you a few times through to get it, and if you forget what happened, do you have to pay for training again?  And what about training your replacement so you can get promoted? Will you have to pay for training again? Not if you buy my bundle of products. You'll be able to use them in your office for everyone to learn, over and over.
With these recorded webinars, save them to a folder on your desktop, and play them over and over, and that's exactly what people tell me they’ve been doing.  
I also provide the sample data files used to create the webinars for free. Open the data sample file, the one used to create the webinar, and follow along through the transactions and reports.
I'm offering a bonus! Join an online 90 minute workshop on report writing November 9th if you are one of the first 20 people to take advantage of the deal. There's still a few spots left.

The bundle with about 40 hours of webinars, plus other useful products, is on sale until November 3, at the low price of $250.00 plus tax. 
For IPBC members, at 50% discount, that is $125.00 plus tax

BTW, 30% of all sale proceeds goes to IPBC to cover their costs for advertising, production and website.

I’ve listed out everything that’s included: http://www.taxdetective.ca/catalog/item/6427752/9567496.htm

The link to purchase the bundle at 50% off for IPBC members only is found in the Member's Forum in a post on my Dear TaxDetective Forum.
The link to my Partner Page isn't working at the moment due to a misunderstanding (my fault, not theirs) ... I'm sure it will be fixed tomorrow.

If you're not decided, call me tomorrow during the day or early evening at 604-943-7414 www.taxdetective.ca/shop.html

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